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星 Stars(このブログにあるページ)
惑星 Planets (このブログにあるページ)
地球 The Earthにすすむ(このブログにあるページ)
Artificial satellites are satellites launched by rockets or other means to the outer space where the Earth’s atmosphere is located. There are currently 2,400 to 2,500 satellites in space, performing a variety of roles.
The first is satellites for communication and broadcasting. These satellites transmit information to the ground.
The way it works is that information is sent from a broadcasting station on the ground to a satellite, which then sends the information back to the ground. Since information is sent from the distant sky, it can reach people regardless of buildings and terrain, and can be transmitted even in the event of a disaster.
These communication and broadcasting satellites are located above the equator, about 36,000 kilometers from the ground. This orbit is called a “geostationary orbit” because it rotates around the earth at the same speed as the earth’s rotation and appears to stop at the same position.
The second is a satellite that is used to observe the Earth. It is thanks to these satellites that weather forecasts are more accurate than before. These satellites can also be used to observe natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons. This observation technology can also be used to see how buildings and other structures are deteriorating and how crops are growing.
Third, satellites are used to measure our location; you have probably heard of GPS (Global Positioning System). You know where you are. It is thanks to this system that car navigation systems give us directions when we are driving.