

十日えびす Toka Ebisuにすすむ(このブログにあるページ)
しめ縄 Sacred ropeにすすむ(このブログにあるページ)
Seven Lucky Gods
There are many gods in Japan.
Among them, there are gods called the Seven Lucky Gods.
The Seven Lucky Gods are the gods Ebisuten, Fukurokuju, Hotei, Jurojin, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, and Benzaiten.
Ebisuten is the god of prosperous business. This god is born in Japan.
Fukurokuju is the god of wisdom, good luck, and longevity. Hotei is the god of happiness and fortune. Jurojin is the god of longevity. Fukurokuju, Hotei and Jurojin are gods born in China.
Daikokuten is the god of commerce, agriculture, and wealth. Bishamonten is the god of battle and victory. Benzaiten is the god of wealth, music and art. Daikokuten, Bishamonten and Benzaiten are gods born in India.
It is said that if you go to a shrine where the gods of the Seven Lucky Gods are enshrined, or if you have a charm or a picture of the Seven Lucky Gods, the seven misfortunes will disappear and the seven happiness will be granted.
The seven calamities are sun calamity, paranormal calamity, fire, flood, wind, drought, and theft.
The seven happinesses are to be respected, to be liked, to be obeyed, to be rich, to have many crops, to live a long life, and to be honest.
The custom of valuing the Seven Lucky Gods began around the end of the Muromachi period(1336~1573). At that time, farmers and fishermen cherished the Seven Lucky Gods. Even now, there are many people who cherish the s Seven Lucky Gods.